2. Is there any possible reason for choosing a teacher such as this?
- possible [pɑ́səbl] : 「可能性がある、あり得る」
- reason [ríːzn] : 「理由、原因、根拠」
- choose [tʃúːz] : 「〜を選ぶ、〜を選択する」
Does the total disregard of anything it teaches make anything but sense?
- total [tóutl] : 「完全な、全部の」
- disregard [dìsrigɑ́ːrd] : 「無関心、無視、軽視」
- disregard of : 「〜の無視、〜の軽視」
- sense [séns] : 「正気、良識、分別、道理」
Is this the teacher to whom a Son of God should turn to find himself?
- turn [tə́ːrn] : 「向きを変える、振り返る」
The ego has never given you a sensible answer to anything.
- sensible [sénsəbl] : 「分別のある、思慮のある」
Simply on the grounds of your own experience with its teaching, should not this alone disqualify it as your future teacher?
- simply [símpli] : 「単に、全く、簡単に」
- on the ground of : 「〜を根拠に、〜に基づいて」
- experience [ikspíəriəns] : 「経験、体験」
- alone [əlóun] : 「独りで、ただ〜だけで」
- disqualify [diskwɑ́ləfài] : 「資格を奪う、失格させる」
- future [fjúːtʃər] : 「未来の、次世代の」
Yet the ego has done more harm to your learning than this alone.
- harm [hɑ́ːrm] : 「害、損害、危害、被害」
- alone [əlóun] : 「独りで、ただ〜だけで」
Learning is joyful if it leads you along your natural path, and facilitates the development of what you have.
- joyful [dʒɔ́ifl] : 「うれしい、楽しい」
- lead [líːd] : 「〜を率いる、指導する、〜を導く」
- along [əlɔ̀ːŋ] : 「〜に沿って、〜に従って」
- natural [nǽtʃərəl] : 「普通の、自然の」
- path [pǽθ] : 「道、進路、方針」
- facilitate [fəsílətèit] : 「手助けする、促進する」
- development [divéləpmənt] : 「開発、発展、進歩」
When you are taught against your nature, however, you will lose by your learning because your learning will imprison you.
- taught [tɔ́ːt] : 「teach の過去・過去分詞形」
- nature [néitʃər] : 「性質、本性、人間の本質」
- lose [lúːz] : 「〜を失う、喪失する、なくす」
- imprison [imprízn] : 「監禁する、投獄する」
Your will is in your nature, and therefore cannot go against it.
- go against : 「逆らう、反対する」
3. The ego cannot teach you anything as long as your will is free, because you will not listen to it.
- as long as : 「〜する限り、〜である限りは」
- listen to : 「耳を傾ける、聴く、聞く」
It is not your will to be imprisoned because your will is free. That is why the ego is the denial of free will.
- imprison [imprízn] : 「監禁する、投獄する」
- denial [dináiəl] : 「否定、拒否、拒絶、否認」
It is never God Who coerces you, because he shares his will with you.
- coerce [kouə́ːrs] : 「〜を強制する、強要する」
His voice teaches only in accordance with his will, but that is not the Holy Spirit's lesson because that is what you are.
- accordance [əkɔ́ːrdns] : 「合致、一致、調和」
- in accordance with : 「〜に従って、〜に一致して」
The lesson is that your will and God's cannot be out of accord because they are one.
- out of accord with : 「〜と不調和で、〜と調和しない」
This is the undoing of everything the ego tries to teach.
- undoing : 「解くこと、取り消し」
It is not, then, only the direction of the curriculum that must be unconflicted, but also the content.
- not only A but also B : 「AだけでなくBも」
- direction [dirékʃən] : 「方角、方向、方位」
- curriculum [kəríkjələm] : 「カリキュラム、教科課程」
- content [kɑ́ntent] : 「内容、中身」