3. Perceive in sickness but another call for love, and offer your brother what he believes he cannot offer himself. Whatever the sickness, there is but one remedy.
- Perceive [pə(r)síːv] : 「知覚する、〜に気付く、〜を見抜く」
- offer [ɔ́(ː)fə(r)] : 「差し出す、提供する、ささげる」
- Whatever [(h)wʌtévə(r)] : 「どんな〜でも」
- remedy [rémədi] : 「治療、療法、医療、救済策」
You will be made whole as you make whole, for to perceive in sickness the appeal for health is to recognize in hatred the call for love.
- whole [hóul] : 「全部の、完全な、全体の」
- appeal [əpíːl] : 「懇願、嘆願、訴え」
- health [hélθ] : 「健康、健康状態、調子」
- recognize [rékəgnàiz] : 「認める、受け入れる、〜を認識する、〜を認証する」
- hatred [héitrid] : 「強い嫌悪、憎しみ、憎悪、嫌悪」
And to give a brother what he really wants is to offer it unto yourself, for your Father wills you to know your brother as yourself.
- really [ríː(ə)li] : 「実際には、ほんとうは、確かに、本当に」
Answer his call for love, and yours is answered. Healing is the love of Christ for his Father and for himself.
- Answer [ǽnsə(r)] : 「 〜に答える,〜で報いる」
4. Remember what was said about the frightening perceptions of little children, which terrify them because they do not understand them.
- frightening [fráitniŋ] : 「恐ろしい、怖い、ゾッとするような」
- perception [pə(r)sép∫n] : 「知覚、知見、見識、感じ方」
- terrify [térəfài] : 「脅かす、怖がらせる、恐れさせる」
If they ask for enlightenment and accept it, their fears vanish. But if they hide their nightmares they will keep them.
- ask for : 「〜を求める、〜を要求する」
- enlightenment [inláitnmənt] : 「啓発、啓もう、悟り」
- accept [əksépt] : 「承認する、認める、容認する、受け入れる」
- vanish [vǽni∫] : 「消える、消えてなくなる、姿を消す」
- hide [háid] : 「隠す、 隠蔽する、秘密にする」
- nightmare [náitmὲər] : 「恐ろしい夢、悪夢」
It is easy to help an uncertain child, for he recognizes that he does not understand what his perceptions mean.
- uncertain [ʌnsə́ː(r)tn] : 「不確かな、不明確な、不確実な、不確定の」
- recognize [rékəgnàiz] : 「認める、受け入れる、〜を認識する、〜を認証する」
Yet you believe that you do understand yours. Little child, you are hiding your head under the cover of the heavy blankets you have laid upon yourself.
- hide [háid] : 「隠す、隠蔽する、秘密にする」
- cover [kʌ́və(r)] : 「覆い、カバー」
- blanket [blǽŋkit] : 「毛布」
- laid [léid] : 「lay の過去・過去分詞形」
- lay [léi] : 「〜を横たえる、〜を置く」
You are hiding your nightmares in the darkness of your own false certainty, and refusing to open your eyes and look at them.
- darkness [dɑ́ː(r)knəs] : 「暗さ、暗がり、暗闇」
- false [fɔ́ːls] : 「うその、虚偽の、偽りの、偽の」
- certainty [sə́ːrtnti] : 「確信、確実なこと、必然」
- refuse [rifjúːz] : 「拒む、拒絶する、断る」